Super fast internet
Available for you
Do you enjoy super fast Internet?
Do the test here!
Does the test show that HD TV is available? Then this means you can surf super fast and can enjoy TV in HD quality! Enjoy these advantages now.
No HD TV and super fast Internet available yet? Every day we continue to work on improving our network. Therefore, take a look at this page regularly.

Discover the advantages of VDSL2
Do you already have Proximus Internet?
Take advantage of a better TV and surfing experience as soon as possible!
Fill in the form below and you will be contacted as soon as possible. We will check whether you need a technician visit at home, whether your b-box needs to be replaced...
Want to optimize your Internet speed and get the most out of your Wi-Fi?

Not yet Proximus Internet?
With this new technology, a whole new world opens up for you. Take Internet in a Flex Pack and enjoy numerous advantages like loads of mobile data and unlimited internet at home, a Wi-Fi booster and unlimited calls (mobile and fixed).