Legal and contractual information

General conditions

Products and services

B. Products and services for large companies (as of 10 employees)

Every Product/Service at Proximus is subject to a Contractual Service Description (“CSD”). The General Terms and Conditions for Professional Customers are therefore complemented by the applicable CSD per Product/Service.

The applicable CSD’s for Mobile Connectivity, Fixed Internet and Fixed Voice are available on the Proximus website (below). The CSD’s for all other Products/Services shall be provided to every Customer before signature of the Agreement. They can be consulted at any time by contacting your Proximus Account Manager or via MyProximus.

Update of the General Terms and Conditions for Professional Customers and the Terms and Conditions of Use of an Internet access via the Proximus network from 01/12.

Proximus is adapting the contractual document “Terms and Conditions of Use of an Internet access via the Proximus network” and its General Terms and Conditions for Professional Customers to the regulatory framework: the internal complaints procedure for notifying illegal content is specified, as are the potential measures that can be taken.

Any complaint regarding potentially illegal content or abuse of Service should be addressed to the Proximus central contact point. Complaints can be submitted either by e-mail to, or via the complaint form available on the Proximus website : a new window .

Responses to complaints will be communicated by e-mail within a reasonable period of time.

When the Product or Service is an “intermediary service” in the sense of the Digital Services Act of 19 October 2022, and as part of the internal complaint handling procedure, Proximus reserves the right to take all appropriate actions to remedy the situation, including but not limited to the actions set out in article 5.6 of the General Terms and Conditions, formal notice to cease any abuse and referral of the matter to appropriate entities for further action.

Update of the Specific Terms and Conditions for the TV service and the Terms and Conditions of Use of an Internet access via the Proximus network from 01/12.

Proximus is adapting the contractual document “Terms and Conditions of Use of an Internet access via the Proximus network” and its Specific Terms and Conditions for the TV service (for the VOD service) to the regulatory framework: the internal complaints procedure for notifying illegal content is specified, as are the potential measures that can be taken.

Any complaint regarding potentially illegal content or abuse of Service should be addressed to the Proximus central contact point. Complaints can be submitted either by e-mail to, or via the complaint form available on the Proximus website : a new window .

As part of the internal complaints handling procedure, Proximus reserve the right to take appropriate action to remedy the situation. This may include, but is not limited to, formal notice to cease any abuse, temporary or permanent blocking of the service, or referral of the matter to appropriate entities for further action.

Responses to complaints will be communicated by e-mail within a reasonable period of time.

New law on compensation for network outages

As of 1 November 2024, customers will be entitled to legal compensation in the event of a full service interruption lasting more than 8 hours due to an uninterrupted outage on the Proximus network, provided that the eligibility conditions are met.

Who is eligible for legal compensation?

  • Customers with a subscription to an internet or fixed telephony product for consumers, in the event of service interruption in the area where their installation address is located.
  • Customers with a mobile subscription for consumers, in the event of an interruption in the area where their billing address is located.
  • Consumer prepaid card users, in the event of an interruption in the area where their residence is located.

What type of outage is eligible for automatic compensation?

The interruption of fixed or mobile service must meet the following criteria:

  • It must last more than 8 hours.
  • It must be complete, meaning no signal can pass through (even partially).
  • It must be due to an uninterrupted failure of the public electronic communications network that extends up to and including the network input socket in the home (and not to a problem with the modem, terminal equipment, internal cabling in the home, etc.);
  • It must have a collective element, impacting several customers (for mobile service and for fixed services when the cause is not due to a hardware failure in the network).
  • It must not be caused by or be the fault of the customer (e.g. suspension due to an unpaid bill, a change made by the customer, postponement of a repair appointment, etc.), nor be due to force majeure, a lack of network coverage, etc. (non-exhaustive list).

Is legal compensation automatically granted if the eligibility requirements are met?

Due to the difficulty of determining with certainty which customers have been affected by an outage and the need to verify the eligibility requirements, compensation may or may not be granted automatically, depending on the case:

  • Fixed service interruptions caused by a hardware failure in the fixed network will be compensated automatically (e.g. cable break due to Proximus or one of its subcontractors) without the customer having to report the outage.
  • Fixed service interruptions not caused by a hardware failure in the fixed network will be compensated automatically if the customer has reported the outage (e.g. software update problem), and provided that several customers are affected by the same outage.
  • Mobile service interruptions (subscriptions) will be compensated automatically if the customer has reported the outage, and provided that several customers are affected by the same outage.
  • Mobile service interruptions (prepaid cards) will be compensated only at the express request of the customer, who must provide their home address, and provided that several customers are affected by the same outage.

Customers will be able to notify outages and submit legal requests for compensation no later than 5 days following the day on which the breakdown ends using the means that Proximus will make available for this purpose.

How much is the compensation and in what form is it granted?

  • 1 euro for the 16-hour period following the first 8 hours of interruption. For each subsequent 24-hour period, the compensation for the previous day is increased by 1 euro, plus 0.5 euro for each additional day of interruption; or
  • in the case of a subscription, 1/30th of the monthly subscription fee, if this amount exceeds the value of the compensation mentioned in the first point.

The compensation will consist of a credit note or discount, at Proximus' discretion, or a top-up of the user's prepaid card. Proximus may also propose compensation in kind, which the customer may accept at their discretion.

When is no legal compensation due?

No legal compensation is due (non-exhaustive list):

  • in the event of acceptance by the customer of a technical solution, even if this solution is temporary;
  • if an appointment was rescheduled at the customer's request or through the customer's fault, for the period between the originally scheduled appointment and the new appointment;
  • if the service interruption is not due to an incident (e.g. lack of network coverage);
  • in the case of force majeure.

The current compensation scheme in Article 5.4 of the General Terms and Conditions for consumers and small businesses will be replaced by this new legal compensation scheme.

Modification of Mobile Specific Terms & Conditions (new article 15) as of 01/10/2024

As announced on your August statement, Proximus has introduced an important innovation: from October, users can add mobile options or modify their mobile subscription without needing prior authorization from the administrator.

The account manager is the customer who has subscribed to several subscriptions and granted their use to users, such as family members. The account manager can view invoices and manage all his products, whereas the user can only see his own mobile phone, consumption and options, and cannot view invoices.

The account manager will be informed by email and/of SMS each time a transaction is carried out.

The account manager will receive an SMS when this measure becomes active, in October. The SMS will contain a direct link to the page allowing customers to manage user rights on MyProximus or the Proximus+ application. The account manager will be able to deactivate this functionality and restrict usage rights at any time in the Proximus+ application or on the MyProximus website.

This new measure is designed to simplify the ordering process, avoiding the need to seek prior approval from the account manager each time. It is limited to:

  • Consumer customers (excluding professional customers and their users).
  • Users aged 18 or over.

A new article 15 is added to the Specific Terms and Conditions for the mobile phone Service.

RCS, your new rich messaging service on Apple as from September 2024

The messaging service RCS - for Rich Communication Services-, already available on Android devices, will also progressively become available on the Messaging App of Apple devices for Proximus customers as from September 2024.

With the new messaging service RCS, you can:

  • share messages, images, photos, videos or your location on the map with a contact or a group.
  • see if your contacts got your messages, or even when they type something.
  • send and receive messages using Wi-Fi or mobile data.

RCS will be automatically activated on iPhones with the major upgrade iOS 18 available most likely in September 2024.

To enjoy the new service, you and your contacts should both:

  • have compatible devices. Either an Android device with minimum Android 5.x and/or an Apple device with iOS 18.
  • be customer of a mobile operator partnering with Apple for RCS, as Proximus.
  • connect via Wi-Fi or mobile data.

If these conditions are not all met, the message is sent as an SMS or MMS via the Proximus network. As today.

RCS doesn’t change anything if you are using iMessage. Your iMessage conversations will continue as before.

Unlike an SMS, RCS is using Data. Via Mobile or Wi-Fi connections.

The General Terms and Conditions of Proximus are applicable to this new service. The article 1.1 of the Specific Terms and Conditions for the mobile phone Service will include a reference to RCS message.

Not interested by this new service, you can deactivate it on your device via Settings > Apps > Messages > RCS Messaging.

New Proximus+ General Terms and Conditions

New General Terms and Conditions will apply to Proximus+, which you must accept before accessing the application. They comprise general conditions and specific conditions for each feature.

They replace the General Terms and Conditions of MyProximus.

Proximus+ gives you access to a range of digital features, including third-party services, via a single application and authentication.

Some features are offered by Proximus or third-party providers and must be activated in the application. Access to third-party features can be integrated and accessed directly on the Proximus+ platform. You may be redirected to the third-party supplier's platform to perform certain operations, such as registration. The conditions applicable to the functionalities offered by third-party providers are accepted at the time of registration. These bind you to the third-party provider concerned and Proximus is not a party to the contract.

Access to the application is open to anyone with an Itsme account, which is required to create a Proximus+ account. You don’t have to be a Proximus customer to access the app, with the exception of the MyProximus functionality, which is also accessible with your MyProximus account.

In terms of changes, the new General Terms and Conditions now specify that:

  • The Service is offered on an "as is" basis. Proximus makes every effort to ensure that the Service operates reliably and continuously but cannot guarantee uninterrupted and error-free operation.
  • In the event of fraud, abuse, bad faith and/or non-compliance with these General Terms and Conditions or other Proximus General Terms and Conditions, Proximus has the right to take any administrative and/or legal action.
  • Proximus reserves the right to develop the service, in particular by making new functionalities available or by modifying or deleting certain functionalities. You will be notified of any such changes in advance.
  • Proximus may terminate the Service at any time, upon simple notification by email to the User, without prior notice or compensation.
  • Proximus is entitled to amend the General Terms and Conditions at any time. In this event, Proximus will inform you by email or by means of a notification in the application and will specify the date from which the modified General Terms and Conditions will come into force. If no date is specified, the changes will apply from the date of notification. Users who do not accept these modifications may terminate their account and their use of the Service immediately and free of charge.

The specific conditions relating to Mobility, Neighborhood, Weather, Home and MyProximus are also included.

You can consult the General Terms and Conditions here.

Reform of the Belgian social tariff system

From March 1st, 2024, a new internet social offer will be available on the Belgian market at a capped rate of €19/month (or €40/month in a combined offer or pack). Details of the Proximus offer will be available on the Proximus website from March 1st, 2024, along with FAQs.

Customers who meet the conditions to benefit from this new internet social offer will receive a letter from the FPS Economy.

  • If you are eligible for the new social internet offer, you can apply at a Proximus point of sale and convert your existing subscription. Please note that if you leave the old social tariff system, you will no longer be able to benefit from it afterwards. You also have the option of keeping your current social rate if you do not wish to opt for the new offer.
  • If you currently benefit from the social rate on your existing subscription but are not eligible for the new offer, you do not need to do anything. You automatically keep it.

More information on the eligibility conditions (including the conditions and procedure for granting, maintaining and withdrawing) and the minimum content of the offer (speeds, volume, maximum prices, minimum reductions, etc.) can be found on the FPS Economy websiteOpens a new window .

Proximus to update its terms and conditions for consumers and small businesses (up to 9 employees) from 1 January 2024

Update of the Fair Use Policy for unlimited mobile Internet service offers
  • Roaming within the EU (+ Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, Andorra, Gibraltar, United Kingdom, Monaco): the customer can use unlimited mobile Internet roaming in the EU zone as well as in Belgium. There are no longer extra charges when exceeding 62 GB/month (64 GB/month for the Bizz Mobile International rate plan).
    • Out-of-bundle mobile Internet: 300 GB/month at maximum speed, then reduced to 512 Kbps at no extra cost.
    • Mobile Internet in a bundle: 350 GB (500 GB for the Unlimited Premium rate plan) per month at maximum speed, then reduced to 512 Kbps at no extra cost.
  • When roaming outside the EU and Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway: usage exceeding 100 GB/month is no longer considered "normal and personal". In this case, Proximus has the right to suspend or terminate the mobile service.
  • Articles 4.2. and 5 of the Specific Terms and Conditions for the mobile service to be updated:
    4.2. When it comes to unlimited offers, the following practices are not considered as normal or personal use (non-exhaustive list):
    • When the customer sends more than 10,000 text messages per month and/or 500 text messages per day.
    • When the customer sends text messages to more than 250 different recipients per month.
    • When the customer regularly makes calls for more than 6 hours per day and/or 30 hours per week.
    • When the customer uses more than 100 GB of mobile data per month outside the European Union and the following countries: Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway.

    5. Fair Use Policy

    For mobile Internet, uses made in Belgium may be subject to a reasonable use policy. Uses made in any other country of the European Union may also be subject to a reasonable use policy, in compliance with European regulations. The terms of these usage policies are defined in the contractual summaries. For the purposes of this article, "European Union" means the 26 countries other than Belgium that are officially part of the European Union, as well as Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway, to the exclusion of any other country.

    Mobile Internet usage may be subject to an automatically enforced Fair Use Policy. The terms and conditions of these use policies are defined in the legal notices and/or contractual summaries.

Proximus to update its terms and conditions for large companies (10 employees or more) from 1 January 2024

A summary of updates to the general and Specific Terms and Conditions is available here.

1. Update of the Fair Use Policy for unlimited mobile Internet service offers
  • In Belgium: from now on, unlimited data at maximum speed up to 300GB/month, then unlimited data at reduced speed to 512 Kbps at no extra cost (previously: unlimited data at maximum speed).
  • When roaming within the EU (+ Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, Andorra, Gibraltar, United Kingdom, Monaco), use mobile Internet exactly as in Belgium at no extra cost; There are no longer extra charges when exceeding 62 GB/month in the EU.

Updates include:

  • the General Terms and Conditions for the mobile service (art.
  • the Specific Terms and Conditions in the Contractual Service Description of the mobile service (art. 5.5.3. Fair Use Policy)
2. Clarification of the protection measures in place for mobile Internet services in Belgium

These protection measures (speed reduction and suspension of service) are designed to avoid excessive bills. While these measures were already in force, their scope needed to be clarified in the terms and conditions for the mobile service for the sake of transparency:

  • If the rate plan includes a recurring data volume: the speed is reduced when the volume is reached.
  • If the rate plan does not include a recurring data volume: the service is suspended when usage reaches €50 excluding VAT.

Updates include:

  • the General Terms and Conditions for the mobile service (art. 4.13)
  • the Specific Terms and Conditions in the Contractual Service Description of the mobile service (art. 5.5.1. Use of the service in Belgium)
3. Update of the fixed and mobile telephony terms and conditions for directories and information services

The Centrale Nummerdatabase non-profit association manages the database containing all data relating to fixed and mobile telephone customer numbers in Belgium.

This non-profit association is a partnership between Belgian telecommunications operators, as required by the regulations governing the central number database. Customer data are stored in this central number database, to be made available to the emergency services in the event of an emergency call. These subscriber data are also shared with providers of telephone directories and directory assistance service. If customers have given their consent, the data will be shared with providers of telephone directories and directory assistance service.

Customers can change their listing preferences at

Updates include:

  • the General Terms and Conditions for the mobile service (art. 2.6)
  • the Specific Terms and Conditions in the Contractual Service Description of the Service
    • Enterprise Voice (art. 3.4.3)
    • Phone Line Enterprise (art. 3.2.5)
    • Fixed Voice Infinity (art. 3.4.5)]
    • Business Trunking (art.
4. Update of Internet terms and conditions pertaining to the retention of e-mail addresses beyond 18 months after termination of the Internet access by the customer

If an e-mail address has been assigned to the customer by Proximus, the customer who terminates his or her Internet access may continue to use the e-mail address for up to 18 months after the termination date. In line with recent legislation, the terms and conditions of the Internet service now specify that the customer can automatically keep it free of charge beyond the 18-month period.

Updates include:

  • the General Terms and Conditions for the Internet service (art. 15.11)
  • the Specific Terms and Conditions in the Contractual Service Description of the Internet service (art. 7.6. E-mail address and web space)

Proximus to update the "Managing fixed and mobile Internet traffic on the Proximus network" document for its private and professional customers on 1 January 2024

To provide top-notch service quality to its customers, Proximus keeps enhancing its network, particularly on the mobile network, where it increased the maximum available capacity to 250 Gbps per data center for all customers nationwide.

Another measure on the mobile network was to stop applying specific protocols for large downloads.

Finally, even if too many users use a GSM antenna at the same time, the network will no longer switch to a lower technology (e.g., from a 4G to a 3G mobile connection).

The document "Managing fixed and mobile Internet traffic on the Proximus network" available on the Proximus website is to be updated to reflect these changes. For an overview of the changes, you can check the updated version here.

Generally speaking, the purpose of this document is to inform customers of the procedures for measuring and directing Internet traffic on the fixed and mobile networks in order to avoid network saturation. It also gives them an explanation on the impact they can have on the quality of fixed and mobile Internet services.

Proximus is updating its contractual conditions for consumers and small enterprises

As of December 1st , 2023, Proximus will be updating the following articles:

  • Update of Article 13 of the Mobile Conditions and Article 8 of the Fixed Telephony Conditions - Directory and information services:

    The ASBL "Centrale Nummerdatabank" manages the database containing all data relating to fixed and mobile telephone customer numbers in Belgium.

    This non-profit association is a partnership between Belgian telecommunications operators, as required by the regulations governing the central number database. Customer data is stored in this central number database, to be made available to the emergency services in the event of an emergency call. This subscriber data is also passed on to suppliers of telephone directories and directory enquiry services. If customers have given their consent, the data will be forwarded to providers of telephone directories and directory enquiry services.

    Customers can change their choice at

  • Update to Article 11 of the General Terms and Conditions for Consumers and Small Businesses - Payment terms:

    Proximus is adapting the General Terms and Conditions for Consumers and Small Businesses to comply with the new law on debt collection for customers who took out a contract before September 1st.

    The maximum amount of lump-sum compensation that can be claimed by Proximus from consumer customers is capped according to the outstanding amount of the bill:

    • Maximum €20 if the outstanding amount is less than or equal to €150,
    • Maximum €30 plus 10% of the outstanding amount on the portion between €150.01 and €500 if the outstanding amount is between €150.01 and €500,
    • Maximum €65 increased by 5% of the amount due on the portion exceeding €500, with a maximum of €2,000 if the outstanding amount exceeds €500

    These ceilings are listed in the Price List. They have already been in force since September 1st for new customers who took out a contract after that date.

Proximus is adapting its contractual conditions to the new legal framework relating to the Easy Switch procedure

As from 2 October 2023, the Easy Switch procedure will be extended to products for small enterprises.

A new compensation system will also be introduced. In accordance with the regulatory framework, the Customer is entitled to receive from the new operator:

  • an automatic indemnity of €30 if the technician does not show up within the agreed time window.
  • an automatic indemnity of €10 per day if the switch results in a service interruption of more than one working day on the Proximus network.

At his express request, the Customer is also entitled to an indemnity of €6 per day for late activation of services.

The indemnities referred to are not due if the event giving rise to compensation is due to the Customer.

The General Terms and Conditions for consumers and small enterprises are being adapted.

Proximus websites and MyProximus

Automated interactions with our customer service

When you contact Proximus customer service, via call or chat, you will first meet an artificial intelligence (AI) that will offer to assist you. Proximus aims to improve its interactions with its customers through different means, aiming to reduce as much as possible the waiting time when you try to reach our services. Given the large number of services offered by Proximus, and the broad range of support provided to our customers, one of the most efficient ways to better improve our interactions is through artificial intelligence.

The way this AI works is the following:

Step 1: You contact Proximus through the communication mean of your choice
Step 2: You are put in contact with an AI, that identifies itself as being an AI, and that offers to assist you.
Step 3: The AI will attempt to identify the reason for call/message to assist you in the most efficient way.

Note that:

If the AI can correctly identify the reason for your call/message, and it is able to assist you without the intervention of an agent, then it will offer you the information it believes you need or the solution you might have requested.

If the AI can correctly identify the reason for your call/message, and it is not able to assist you without the intervention of an agent, then it will put you directly in contact with the right agent that will attempt to assist you with your request.

If the AI is not able to correctly identify the reason for your call/message, then it will put you directly in contact with an agent that will attempt to assist you with your request.

In any case:

You are always offered the possibility to be put in contact with an agent if you wish to.

Although the aim of the AI is a triage of the requests received by our customer service, to put you in contact with the right agent, some small decisions might be taken automatically (cancellation of an invoice for instance). However, such actions could require additional identification from you in order to prevent usurpation of your identity before taking any actions that could impact you.

The interaction with our AI is stored in our systems for documentation purposes for a maximum of 3 months after the closure of the conversation, to allow us to access the history of past conversations for more efficient management of requests when you have recurrent issues.

Do you have questions about your personal data? Please click here

Pricelist and tariffs

Current tariffs

The rates of the products and services of Proximus can be consulted on the commercial pages of the website and/or via the links hereunder:

A. Personal

National calls (landline)

International calls (landline)

International calls from Belgium (mobile phone)

Roaming rates (mobile phone)

B. Business

National calls (landline)

Unlimited Calls National(PDF, 83Kb)

International calls (landline)

Unlimited Calls National/International (VAT excl.)(PDF, 206Kb)

International calls from Belgium (mobile phone)

Roaming rates (mobile phone)

Calls and SMS from abroad with your mobile with subscription(PDF, 354Kb)

C. Large companies

Standard rate (landline)(PDF, 207Kb)

Unlimited Calls (landline)

Call Credit (landline)

Infinity (landline)

Roaming rates (mobile phone)

International calls and SMS from abroad with your GSM for corporate customers(PDF, 330Kb)

Contract summaries

Privacy notice

At Proximus we are committed to protecting the privacy of our customers and users. We recognize that the personal data you entrust to us is valuable and important to you, and we take our responsibility to safeguard your data very seriously.

In this privacy notice, we will provide you with detailed information about the personal data we collect about you, what happens with your personal data if you use our services and apps and/or visit our different websites, for what purposes your personal data are used, and with whom your personal data are shared. You can also find out how you can control our use of your personal data. We will also explain your rights regarding your personal data, and how you can exercise these rights. To make the notice more readable, we have divided the different topics into chapters, which are easy to consult using the selection menu.

In addition to complying with relevant data protection laws and regulations, we are committed to upholding the highest ethical and moral standards in our handling of personal data. We believe that privacy is a fundamental human right, and that it is our duty to protect and respect your personal information.

Privacy notice

Privacy notices for specific products and services

In addition to the general privacy notice, we also developed separate privacy notices for some specific products and services we offer to our customers and users.

This way, we are able to inform even more clearly and transparently about the personal data we collect and process in the context of a specific service or product, including the purposes for which the personal data is used, with whom the data is shared and what rights there are and how they can be exercised in this regard.

By clicking one of the links in the sections below, you will access the privacy notice for that particular product or service.

MyProximus (Web and App)

Click the following link for the privacy notice of MyProximus (Web and App), which outlines a.o. how we collect and use your personal data, our processing purposes, and your related rights.

Privacy notice MyProximus (Web and App) Opens a new window

Network fraud prevention

Click the following link for the privacy notice related to network fraud prevention, which outlines how Proximus processes personal data of customers and end-users to prevent and combat fraud such as phishing, nuisance calls, fluBot and signalling abuse.

Privacy notice – Network fraud prevention Opens a new window

Protocols on personal data sharing between federal public authorities and Proximus

The Act of 30 July 2018 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal dataOpens a new window prescribes that a protocol shall be established whenever a federal public authority shares personal data by electronic means with another body or a third party.

A protocol is required when both the federal public authority and the party with whom the personal data are exchanged, in this case Proximus, are each the controller regarding the exchanged personal data.

The parties concerned describe the exchange of personal data in the protocol. In this sense, the protocol is a transparency document explaining clearly to all interested parties which personal data is exchanged and what the purposes of the sharing of personal data are.

Further information is also available on the website of the Data Protection AuthorityOpens a new window .

Proximus has signed the following protocols:

After-sales customer service

Questions about your online order or a product? Feel free to contact our customer service! Our team will answer your questions over the phone from Monday to Saturday from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. on 0800 55 800 (for consumers) (toll-free) or 0800 55 500 (for small enterprises) (toll-free).

A complaint? Contact your local Proximus service or call 02 202 41 11.

You can also contact the Telecom Mediation Service by e-mail: or by post: Boulevard du Roi Albert II 8 boîte 3 à 1000 Bruxelles / Koning Albert II-laan 8 bus 3 te 1000 Brussel, tel. 02 223 09 09/ 02 223 06 06. Or you can contact the Online Dispute Resolution Platform.

Some PDF files may be inaccessible to some people. In this case, we invite you to contact us.