9 smart home devices that you can already buy today

Published on 28/02/2019 in Bits & Bytes

A smart home, full of devices that are not only extremely easy to use but also automatically do things themselves. Sounds like science fiction or something completely unaffordable? No, because nowadays you can get a range of smart home devices for a reasonable price. Each of them will make your life a lot more fun and worry-free.

9 smart home devices that you can already buy today

Check out the 9 smart home devices that you can already buy today, in French or Dutch.

As you may know, there are many home devices you can already connect via the internet these days.

With fiber to the home, however, you do not have to worry about the arrival of all those extra smart devices. Because you always have a stable and super-fast internet connection. And you even don’t pay for the installation and activation of it.

More info about fiber


The latest technological gadgets have no secrets for me. From augmented and virtual reality to the Internet of Things: you name it. Above that, I spice my life with good Indie (and other) music.

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