End-to-end fiber offers you the best performance

Published on 03/03/2024 in Be the first to know

The fiber network is in full development in Belgium. But did you know that there are two ways to be connected to it? Proximus is rolling out fiber to your home, making it the first Belgian operator to offer end-to-end fiber.

End-to-end fiber offers you the best performance

Not all operators offer the same fiber connection

Some operators, such as VOO, Orange or Telenet, use fiber cables on part of their network, but fit a conventional coaxial (or coax) cable for the last section, the connection in the homes. Proximus, on the other hand, installs fiber from end to end, right into its customers' homes. This makes a big difference, as it allows to offer an ultra-powerful connection in terms of speed and stability.

Ultra-high speeds

Both fiber and coax offer high-speed Internet access, with download speeds of up to 1 Gbps. Although coax still has a bright future ahead of it, the Proximus fiber network has no limits: it offers incredible download speeds of up to 8.5 Gbps as well as unrivaled upload speeds of up to 8 Gbps. And that's just the beginning!

As fiber is even better adapted to new Internet uses, it will make the difference in the years to come. By rolling out fiber to your home, Proximus is choosing to invest in your future, in a technology that is effective today and will continue to be so for at least the next 70 years.

Stability and flexibility

In addition to being faster, end-to-end fiber is also much more stable. No matter how far away the street cabinet is: end-to-end fiber is not sensitive to the connection distance and has more than enough capacity to connect multiple people and/or devices to the network simultaneously. Nothing interferes with it. The quality of the connection remains flawless.

Teleworking or taking online classes, saving data in the cloud or sharing photos and videos, watching Netflix or even gaming online. All these activities can be done simultaneously without any disruption. As a gamer, you will even have an advantage over your opponents!

Who offers end-to-end fiber?

Currently, end-to-end fiber is being rolled out by Proximus, and by network builders Fiberklaar and Unifiber. Good to know: it is an open network, on which other operators can offer their services1.

Completely free installation

Once fiber is available at your address, its installation inside your home is completely free of charge2. All you have to do is choose the Flex+ Mega, Giga or Ultra Fiber pack best suited to your needs.

Can I already get end-to-end fiber now?

Deployment has been accelerating in Belgium over the last few months. Maybe it's already available to you. Check your address on proximus.be/fibercheck. And if you are not yet eligible, subscribe to our "Fiber Alert". We will notify you as soon as it is available. This way you also benefit from free installation2.

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