5 signs your website is out of date

Published on 17/09/2018 in Inspiration

How can you tell if your website needs a bit of an update? It’s not an easy question to answer. There is a real chance that you yourself can’t tell if your website is out of date, as you are constantly interacting with it. But it is of course vitally important that (potential) customers appreciate your pages. A rather old fashioned look will turn them away, resulting in diminished returns. These 5 signs are an indication that you urgently need a new website.

5 signs your website is out of date

  1. Your website contains incorrect information

    People don’t just surf to a website for no reason. Customers, or prospects, that visit your site are looking for something. This can be anything: prices, product information, operating hours, an address … It is crucial that the information on your website is up to date. Check that the copy and images on your website aren’t past their sell-by date!
  2. Your website looks old

    We can argue style all day. But there is no discussion when it comes to tiny font types and huge white space. 10 years ago, screens were a lot smaller than they are today. If your design is from those days, then you have an out of date layout that is not just ugly, but also unclear. It’s time for a refresh, we say!
  3. Your website doesn’t use new tools

    Nowadays, websites can do so much more than they used to. Look no further than the way other channels are integrated on your webpages. Invisible blocks of software can remember the IP address of your site-visitors and send them a message via Facebook later. That is, if you’ve included the new tools on your website, of course …
  4. Your website doesn’t look good on mobile devices

    Modern websites have another layout for mobile devices. What’s more, they are ‘mobile first’: in fact many new websites are often designed with mobile in mind, only to be adapted to the desktop afterwards. Why? Most surfers use their phone or tablet first. And let’s get real here: how annoying is a microscopic layout on your phone screen. And how can you find out if your website is mobile friendly? There is a clever little Google test for that.
  5. Your website’s ranking keeps dropping on Google

    Do you recognise your website in the points described above? If so, it is also highly likely that your website’s ranking has got worse on Google as the search engine penalises out of date websites. And, because your website never makes it to the first page of results, you won’t be attracting new visitors and customers. That’s not good for your business! Especially as today it’s become so much cheaper and quicker to update your website.

An out of date website will make you miss out on customers. Does your business need a new website?

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