Details of your sent text messages (time, destination, etc.)

Do you want to know when exactly you sent a specific text message? Or are you looking for an overview of all the text messages you have sent? Follow, depending on your situation, the correct procedure:

On your online bill or payment statement, view the date, time, destination and price of all the text messages you have sent.

  1. Log in to MyProximus to view the details of your bill or payment statement.
    Check your bills or payment statements Opens a new window
  2. Click on the See details and options of the month you want to check, followed by Usage and See details.
  3. Click on Export to Excel.
  4. Download and open the file with a spreadsheet program. If you broaden the columns, you will see the usage details of your text traffic (column K) for that month.

View online the date, time, destination and price of the text messages you have sent in the past month.

  1. Log in to MyProximus to view the details of your credit.
    View your credit Opens a new window
  2. Click on your number, followed by Call and reloads history. Scroll down.
  3. In the Filter drop-down menu, choose the Traffic Type you want to view:
    • National: to a Belgian number
    • In the EU: in an EU country to another EU number
    • International: sent from Belgium to a foreign country
    • Roaming: sent from outside the EU
  4. Click on Add filter and you will see the text messages of the past 31 days.