Brochure (FR) internet for schools

Internet for schools

  • Network-as-a-Service for schools
  • Additional personal benefits for teachers
  • Total solution with connectivity, laptop and software

Academic Connect

Is your school infrastructure ready for further digitization? Can your network still cope with the growing data traffic and are you sufficiently protected against cyber-attacks?

Academic Connect is a solution of Proximus and Signpost, the market leader in Belgium for ICT solutions in education.

A total solution

With Connect for Schools, Signpost offers a Network-as-a-Service that takes away all the worries of schools in terms of ICT.

In addition, Connect for Teachers allows schools to reward their teachers by providing a hefty discount on a range of Proximus telecom products that they can use at home.

Finally, the all-encompassing DigiPack solution provides a laptop for all teachers and students, with the right software, digital methods and the best connectivity.

Internet access

Unlimited volume: unlimited use of the service for personal use only and in accordance with the general terms and conditions. The attained speeds do not change and are not influenced by the volume downloaded.

Download speed: the indicated speeds are maximum speeds. Check the speed of your Internet connection.