Nexthink measures satisfaction of digital workplace at Mensura

Published on 15/06/2023 in Customer talks

Mensura measures its employees’ satisfaction with their digital workplace through 4me and Nexthink. A real score reveals needs, raises pro-activity and service. Proximus supports the company with an Experience Level Agreement.

Nexthink measures satisfaction of digital workplace at Mensura

The Mensura Group is active in the field of prevention, safety, and health at work and offers solutions to structurally and sustainably tackle absenteeism. Mensura has over 700 employees. CIO Gerrit Van Daele: “We’ve been replacing desktops with laptops for a while and we opted for Microsoft Office 365. For this, we collaborated with Proximus. During the COVID-19 crisis, it allowed us to change gear quickly and switch to working from home.”

Workplace as a Service

Originally, Mensura’s IT department handled first-line support for users itself, but the company wanted to sharpen the focus of its IT team. Gerrit: “Hence the decision to also place all workplace services with Proximus. We opted for Workplace-as-a-Service in the truest sense of the word.” If Mensura employees have a problem with their work environment, i.e., with their laptop and the programs used on it, they can contact the Proximus Service Desk, which is staffed locally in Bruges.

We chose Workplace-as-a-Service in the truest sense of the word. It’s not just about the hardware but also about the support.

Gerrit Van Daele is CIO at Mensura.


4me for Enterprise Service Management

Proximus streamlines that support via 4me, an ESM (Enterprise Service Management) platform that not only supports IT processes, but also Mensura’s HR in the long run. Thanks to 4me, following up on a query has become a much clearer process. Gerrit: “An employee who reports a problem can immediately see who is working on it, the status, and can even give feedback.”

Mensura employees are helped both by telephone and ticketing in Dutch, French, and English. Gerrit: “This meticulous follow-up by a Belgian company is very important to us.” Meanwhile, the ordering of new devices, such as laptops, headsets, and keyboards, also goes through 4me.

Collaboration in pairs of specialists

Currently, Proximus supports six processes for Enterprise Service Management through 4me. Annelies Peeters, Solution Sales Workplace Consultant at Proximus: “These are processes based on ITIL v4 best practices, such as incident management.” Essential here is that Mensura and Proximus regard each other as equal partners. Gerrit: “We work together toward the same goal.” Two specialists are always appointed for the various domains: one at Mensura and one at Proximus. This unique approach ensured a smooth transition to the new platform and has only strengthened our collaboration and partnership.”

Nexthink measures user experience

Proximus suggested the use of Nexthink to map out end-user satisfaction at Mensura. This is a tool that monitors the performance of employees’ devices, sends corrective actions and even automates them. Thijs Vidal, Architect Solution Lead at Proximus: “This not only helps employees avoid problems, it’s also key to continuous improvement and innovation.” For example, in recent months Proximus has measured 4G usage on laptops. That allows the right mobile subscription to be constantly linked to that usage.

The user experience can be scored, which allows for adjustments when necessary.

Gerrit Van Daele is CIO at Mensura

Experience Level Agreement

Due to the integration of Nexthink and 4me, Mensura employees receive better support. Thijs: “The combination provides insight into the qualitative, but also the quantitative component of XLA. Through workshops, we familiarized Mensura’s employees with the solution, and the tool soon became the most important means of communication.” With the measured data, Nexthink is able to score employee user experience and satisfaction.

This makes it easier for Proximus and Mensura to monitor that satisfaction and, if necessary, adapt the service. Annelies: “What we deliver here under Workplace-as-a-Service is not an SLA (Service Level Agreement), but an XLA: an Experience Level Agreement.”

Mensura’s needs

  • Streamline and improve IT support for employees
  • Improve follow-up of support
  • Measure and raise employee satisfaction

Proximus’ Solutions

  • WpaaS: an efficient way to provide all employees with the right devices, with associated support for hardware and software
  • A local service primarily supplied by the help desk team in Bruges, ensuring high customer intimacy
  • 4me: Mensura ITSM platform integrated with Proximus ITSM to streamline employee support services
  • Nexthink: tool to measure device performance
  • Experience Level Agreement: monitoring and improving employee user experience and satisfaction

Mensura drew up a new IT strategy based on three pillars: cloud, security, and digital workplace. The strategy is future-oriented and ensures that Mensura can respond more rapidly to business opportunities. Collaboration proved to be a crucial success factor throughout the transition.

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  • Gerrit Van Daele is CIO at Mensura.
  • Annelies Peeters is Solution Sales Workplace Consultant at Proximus.
  • Thijs Vidal is Architect Solution Lead at Proximus.

Mensura is an external service for workplace prevention and safety. The company inspires and guides organizations in looking after their employees better, to achieve longer and healthier employability. Mensura has more than 56,000 clients, from SMEs to large organizations.


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