HR webinar

Published on 22/10/2021 in Webinars, keynotes and videos



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HR webinar

After two lockdowns and a still active pandemic, the evidence is clear. Companies, their leaders and their HR managers confirm that the hybrid model is the cornerstone of the New Normal.

But what do your employees expext from hybrid working? What is the right balance between face-to-face and digital? How do we work together efficiently while keeping an eye on everyone's well-being? And also: do you already know the best ICT applications to support this transformation?

These are just a couple of questions we asked some HR professionals to answer at the Employee Experience webinar on 18 November.

Topics we will address together are:

  • Communication and collaboration in hybrid mode: main lessons learned after 18 months of intensive practice
  • Acceleration of the digital transformation: which tools, which platforms and which practices truly meet employee’s expectations and needs after this first phase of gradual return to the office?

There will be plenty of time to also discuss your challenges and concerns with HR and IT experts during the live Q&A after the presentation.

The webinar is only available in Dutch & French

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