ECOMPASS Group rolls out SNN on Proximus network

Published on 16/07/2020 in Customer talks

With the Secure Notarial Network (SNN), Fednot, the Royal Federation of Belgian Notaries, has a solid basis for the further digitization of its members. Meanwhile, through its subsidiaries Exemplis and Enductis, ECOMPASS Group has rolled out the private and extra-secure network in over a thousand notary offices.

ECOMPASS Group rolls out SNN on Proximus network

The idea for the SNN arose just five years ago. “On the one hand, we saw change in the notarial profession,” says Serge Myngheer, CEO of ECOMPASS Group. “In the notarial profession too, the digitization of the knowledge worker has come more and more to the fore. On the other hand, there were also external driving forces that increased the need for a private, secure network.”

The growing cybercrime, for example, that sees an attractive target in the notarial profession: a party that manages a lot of confidential data, and often major financial transactions. “Standard solutions such as antivirus software and firewalls no longer suffice to protect a notary office. And then you have the GDPR rules, which draw the notary’s attention even more to data management and protection.”

The bar is high

Proximus was the only party that could offer a private network with national coverage: the Secure Notarial Network. The ECOMPASS Group was closely involved in the project as a partner and was, among other things, the architect of the rollout of the network. “Within two years, we connected over a thousand offices,” says Serge. “That’s a remarkable success.” Because even though Fednot took the initiative, each notary office could freely decide whether to join the SNN. “But it became clear that the notaries understood the utility and advantages of the network.”

In addition, Fednot tried to raise the necessary awareness among notaries. “A lot of notaries assumed that their infrastructure was adequate. When the hazards and risks were pointed out to them, they quickly realized that, in the area of security, the SNN sets the bar much higher – higher than they can achieve independently.”

Within two years, we connected over a thousand notary offices to the SNN.

Serge Myngheer


Answer to disruption

The SNN is a private network. It connects Fednot with the notaries – and the notaries with each other – without any possible access from the outside. Furthermore, the network offers extra-secure internet access and includes additional services such as a platform for videoconferences, telework and Wi-Fi. On the Proximus side, there is the addition of the NOC (Network Operations Center), which is responsible for the extra monitoring of everything that happens on the network.

“We see the SNN first and foremost as the solid basis on which Fednot develops further services,” says Serge. “The greatest challenge for the notarial profession lies in the disruption of the profession. With the advent of new technology and the sweeping social change due to the corona pandemic, it’s changing quickly.”

Blockchain can record a commitment between people or organizations. Artificial intelligence can analyze large quantities of information faster than the notary can, and it deduces advice from it. Even real estate websites are putting the role of the notary under pressure. Fednot is anticipating those developments by reinventing the notarial profession. “The notary must also be able to benefit from those new technological possibilities himself. The SNN is the platform through which Fednot brings that type of new services to the notary.”

Lean and agile ways of working

The corona crisis has already accelerated the use of video conferences via the SNN, in combination with, among other things, the digital power of attorney. “Video also enhances collaboration among notaries in that context,” according to Serge. “The use of video saves an enormous amount of time, for the notary as well as his client.”

The fact that notary offices were already connected to the SNN before the corona crisis ensured that notaries could very quickly continue their activities, even during the lockdown. “Corona also caused a certain disruption,” says Serge. “But we have seen what the right answer to that is: lean and agile ways of working.”

That also applies to the ECOMPASS Group itself. “With agile working methods we can take on major projects such as the SNN. We adjust quickly and respond to change. For example, the current Covid pandemic has ensured that, in addition to our extensive technological offer, we also take account of the human aspect in our story,” Serge explains.

“Economies around the world are cautiously reactivating. Companies are keeping one eye on the here and now, but they are also carefully looking forward to what is being called 'the Great Reset'. Therefore, the ECOMPASS Group Business Academy has developed a training program that actively helps to increase the resilience of people and companies. That keeps clients sharp for what’s to come.”

The BNN is a network that is screened off from the public internet but still always accessible. Discover the power and possibilities.

What is the BNN?

Read here how Fednot is accelerating the digitization of the notarial profession.

Digitization at Fednot

Serge Myngheer began his career at the RTT and Belgacom, the forerunners of Proximus. In 2001 he founded the ECOMPASS Group.

The ECOMPASS Group bundles twelve IT companies that each focus on a specific area of activity: software, hardware, telecom, security, sensor technology, drones, and so forth. The group has thirty employees and is a Proximus partner.


One magazine is the Proximus B2B magazine for CIOs and IT professionals in large and medium-sized organisations.

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