Connected employees

Published on 27/11/2020 in Webinars, keynotes and videos

4 carefree solutions to keep your employees connected anywhere, anytime

Live webinar

On demand

Connected employees

How do you give your employees the same working comfort as in the office without giving yourself extra workload and administration? Impossible, you think? It's possible! And without wasting time, so that you and your team can focus on your core business.

Discover it during this webinar!


Solutions that unburden you: benefits and added value

  • Packs for employees

    a tax-efficient remuneration alternative in which you fully or partially contribute to the costs of your employees' private internet subscriptions

  • Engage Packs

    provides every employee with an insured smartphone, fully supported by a servicing partner.

  • Mobile Managed Services Plus

    takes over the administration of your mobile management. Your employees submit their own requests via a customised portal.

  • Budget manager

    Provides connectivity everywhere in a tax-friendly way and keeps the costs of your mobile fleet under control. You determine the mobile profile and the employee benefits from a low-cost subscription.

Q&A with our experts

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The webinar is only available in Dutch & French

Combine smartphone and subscription

Choose the latest smartphone with the mobile subscription that suits you!

As from €57.02

Make your choice

Stay connected through the best network

Choose a mobile subscription that fits your business’ needs.

Unlimited calls and access to 5G from 24

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