Informationen zum Gerät
Dust and water resistant
The Samsung Galaxy Note 7 has a dual-curved display that allows you to do more, better and faster. The 5.7-inch Note also has a curved back, so it fits nicely in your hand when you use the S Pen. And just like previous Galaxy phones, the Galaxy Note 7 is dust and water resistant. And this time, not just the device, but also the S Pen. So you can use the phone everywhere.
Iris scanning
The Galaxy Note 7 has iris scanning. To recognize your iris, it uses a highly advanced iris scanner hidden within the phone's slim body. This is one of the safest ways of protecting your phone and the data it holds from prying eyes.
Fast charge
The Galaxy Note 7 has a battery with an impressive charging speed. It also has wireless charging, so when it's time to charge your phone, you only have to put it down. No need for cables.
Die Preise verstehen sich zuzüglich Mehrwertsteuer, Auvibel und Recupel-Beitrag von 0,05 € enthalten.